NI1-1-H120-1YNB-T05 高压互锁连接器铜排过φ10.5通孔插座Y扣工厂

标签:高压互锁线材, 金属, 1芯, 插座, 铜牌, ip67,125A ,360°


  • 优秀的电气绝缘性能;

  • 产品设置二级解锁;

  • 多种线径应用;

  • 多种防误差设计;

  • 密封,IP67,防触碰;

  • 多个编码位置。

HVIL, or high-voltage interlock loop, is a safety feature of hybrid and all-electric vehicles that protects people during the assembly, repair, maintenance and operation of a vehicle. The HVIL system is in place to protect those who may come into contact with high-voltage components at any stage of the electric vehicle lifecycle. HVIL acts as a circuit breaker that sends an alert or trouble code to the driver if a high-voltage connection becomes loose, disconnected or damaged during the vehicle’s operation. It also helps protect a vehicle’s driver and passengers in the event of an accident.

高压互锁回路(HVIL,即 high – voltage interlock loop)是混合动力汽车和纯电动汽车的一项安全特性,在车辆的组装、修理、维护和运行过程中保护人员安全。高压互锁回路系统的存在是为了保护那些在电动汽车生命周期的任何阶段可能接触到高压部件的人员。高压互锁回路就像一个断路器,当车辆运行过程中高压连接松动、断开或损坏时,它会向驾驶员发送警报或故障代码。在发生事故时,它也有助于保护车辆驾驶员和乘客。

secondary lock with a guide slot and a high-voltage interlock microswitch to form an interlock mechanism. High-voltage interlock connectors include solutions for high-voltage, high-current, and signal connections for hybrid and electric vehicle high-voltage power harnesses and signal connections. It is available in a wide range of product options, 1 core to 3 cores, rated from 23A to 250A, touch resistant, single or multi-core shielded cables are available.

高压互锁(HVIL)连接器由带卡槽的插头扳手、带导槽的二次锁和高压互锁微动开关组成一个互锁机构。高压互锁连接器包括针对混合动力和电动汽车高压线束的高压、大电流以及信号连接的解决方案。它有广泛的产品选择,从 1 芯到 3 芯,额定电流从 23 安培到 250 安培,具备防触摸功能,提供单芯或多芯屏蔽电缆。

Application Scenarios(应用场景)

New energy vehicles, including electric and hybrid vehicles, use a variety of specialized connectors to meet their unique power and data communication needs. Some common types include: High Voltage Battery Connectors, Charging Connectors, High Voltage Wire Harnesses, etc.
